Dharma Lineage of Buddha's Direct Transmission (佛祖正傳法脈)
The 1st Patriarch Ven. Mahakashyapa (摩訶迦葉)
The 2nd Patriarch Ven. Ananda (阿難尊者)
The 3rd Patriarch Ven. Sanavasa (商那和修)
The 4th Patriarch Ven. Upagupta (優波鞠多)
The 5th Patriarch Ven. Dhritaka (提多迦)
The 6th Patriarch Ven. Micchaka (彌遮迦)
The 7th Patriarch Ven. Vasumitra (婆須密多)
The 8th Patriarch Ven. Buddhanandi (佛陀難提)
The 9th Patriarch Ven. Buddhamitra (伏馱密多)
The 10th Patriarch Ven. Parsiva (脇尊者)
The 11st Patriarch Ven.Punyayasas (富那夜奢)
The 12nd Patriarch Ven. Asvagosha (馬鳴大師)
The 13rd Patriarch Ven. Kapimala (迦毘摩羅)
The 14th Patriarch Ven. Nagarjuna (龍樹大師)
The 15th Patriarch Ven. Kanadeva (迦那提婆)
The 16th Patriarch Ven. Rahulata (羅喉羅多)
The 17th Patriarch Ven. Sanghanandi (僧伽難提)
The 18th Patriarch Ven. Gayasata (伽倻舍多)
The 19th Patriarch Ven. Kumarata (鳩摩羅多)
The 20th Patriarch Ven. Sayata (闍夜多)
The 21st Patriarch Ven. Vasubandhu (婆修盤頭)
The 22nd Patriarch Ven. Manorahita (摩拏羅)
The 23rd Patriarch Ven. Haklenayasa (鶴勒那)
The 24th Patriarch Ven. Simhabodhi (師者尊者)
The 25th Patriarch Ven. Vasi Asita (婆舍斯多)
The 26th Patriarch Ven. Puyamitra (不如密多)
The 27th Patriarch Ven. Prajnatara (般若多羅)
Chinese Patriarchs (中國祖師)
The 28th Patriarch Ven. Bodhidharma (菩提達磨)
The 29th Patriarch Ven. Huike (二祖慧可)
The 30th Patriarch Ven. Sengcan (三祖僧璨)
The 31st Patriarch Ven. Daoxin (四祖道信)
The 32nd Patriarch Ven. Hongren (五祖弘忍)
The 33rd Patriarch Ven. Huineng (六祖慧能)
The 34th Patriarch Ven. Nanyue Huairang (南嶽懷讓)
The 35th Patriarch Ven. Mazu Daoyi (馬祖道一)
The 36th Patriarch Ven. Baizhang Huaihai (百丈懷海)
The 37th Patriarch Ven. Huangpi Xiyun (黃檗希運)
The 38th Patriarch Ven. Linji Yixuan (臨濟義玄)
The 39th Patriarch Ven. Xinghua Cunjiang (興化存獎)
The 40th Patriarch Ven. Nanyuan Daoyong (南院道顒)
The 41st Patriarch Ven. Fengxue Yanzhao (風穴延沼)
The 42nd Patriarch Ven. Shoushan Xingnian (首山省念)
The 43rd Patriarch Ven. Fenyang Shanzhao (紛陽善昭)
The 44th Patriarch Ven. Ciming Chuyuan (慈明楚圓)
The 45th Patriarch Ven. Yangqi Fanghui (楊岐方會)
The 46th Patriarch Ven. Baiyun Shouduan (白雲守端)
The 47th Patriarch Ven. Wuzu Fayan (五祖法演)
The 48th Patriarch Ven. Yuanwu Keqin (圓悟克勤)
The 49th Patriarch Ven. Huqiu Shaolong (虎丘紹隆)
The 50th Patriarch Ven. Yingyan Tanhua (應庵曇華)
The 51st Patriarch Ven. Miyan Xianjie (密庵咸傑)
The 52nd Patriarch Ven. Poyan Zuxian (破庵祖先)
The 53rd Patriarch Ven. Wuzhun Yuanzhao (無準圓照)
The 54th Patriarch Ven. Xueyan Huillang (雪巖惠朗)
The 55th Patriarch Ven. Jiyan Zongxin (及庵宗信)
The 56th Patriarch Ven. Shiwu Qinggong (石屋淸珙)
Korean Patriarchs (韓國祖師)
The 57th Patriarch Ven. Taego Bou (太古普愚)
The 58th Patriarch Ven. Hwanam Honsu (幻庵混修)
The 59th Patriarch Ven. Gugok Gakun (龜谷覺雲)
The 60th Patriarch Ven. Byeokgye Jeongsim (碧溪淨心)
The 61st Patriarch Ven. Byeoksong Jieom (碧松智嚴)
The 62nd Patriarch Ven. Buyong Yeonggwan (芙蓉靈觀)
The 63rd Patriarch Ven. Cheongheo Hyujeong (淸虛休靜)
The 64th Patriarch Ven. Pyeonyang Eon-gi (鞭羊彦機)
The 65th Patriarch Ven. Pungdam Euisim (楓潭義諶)
The 66th Patriarch Ven. Woldam Seolje (月潭雪霽)
The 67th Patriarch Ven. Hwanseong Jian (喚惺志安)
The 68th Patriarch Ven. Hoam Chejeong (虎巖體淨)
The 69th Patriarch Ven. Cheongbong Geoan (靑峰巨岸)
The 70th Patriarch Ven. Yulbong Cheonggo (栗峰靑杲)
The 71st Patriarch Ven. Geumheo Beopcheom (錦虛法沾)
The 72nd Patriarch Ven. Yongam Hyeeon (龍岩慧彦)
The 73rd Patriarch Ven. Yeongwol Bongyul (永月奉律)
The 74th Patriarch Ven. Manhwa Boseon (萬化普善)
The 75th Patriarch Ven. Gyeongheo Seongu (鏡虛惺牛)
The 76th Patriarch Ven. Hyewol Hyemyeong (慧月慧明)
The 77th Patriarch Ven. Unbong Seongsu (雲峰性粹)
The 78th Patriarch Ven. Hyanggok Hyerim (香谷蕙林)
The 79th Patriarch Ven. Jinje Beopwon (眞際法遠)